Neocities sites I like

Elsewhere on the web


VS Code The software I use to code this!
MDN Web Docs Thorough & up to date guides on HTML/CSS
CSS Tricks Really good visual guides for CSS
Box shadow CSS GeneratorVisual tool for using box shadow, I struggled to understand it for a while so this really helped me learn
CSS Background PatternsGenerates simple background patterns in CSS, can also be saved as images
99% Invisible: The Lost Cities of Geo ReduxPodcast episode - a brief history of geocities, the wayback machine, and the ways we function online.


Velvetyne Type Foundry Free & open source fonts
04 Bitmap Fonts Free tiny pixel fonts for non-commercial use
Fonts by Dieter Steffmann Hundreds of free fonts by typographer Dieter Steffman. “Since I consider fonts to be cultural heritage, I do not agree with their commercialization.”

Art and Writing

Dither me this Image ditherer Free/simple image editing software that I use for photo editing and pixel art, loads of community pluggins. This is the pluggin I use for making cursor files!
Line of Action Customisable figure drawing sessions
Artist Resource Links Huge google sheets collection of artist resources
Emily Short's Interactive Fiction Blog about interactive fiction writing
Brandon Sanderson Creative Writing Lectures Youtube upload of Brandon Sanderson's 2020 Creative Writing Lectures at BYU


VHSearch Search within Neocities - I use this pretty often
Winamp Skin Museum Archive of old Winamp skins, cool and inspiring
Board Game Arena Play boardgames online with friends!
Ian's Shoelace Site All about shoelaces, with 100+ walkthroughs on different lacing styles
The Old Robots Web Site Huge archive of robots produced from the 1940s-2000s. Charming design and really extensive!
CARI Categorised database of consumer aesthetics
Transparent StickersTumblr blog - archive of vintage stickers
Condiment Packet Gallery'A historical archive of flexible portion control sauce packets'
Evolution of the ScrollbarInteractive gallery of scrollbars
H.O.R.G.Group dedicated to creating a taxonomy of bread clips - or 'Holotypic Occlupanids'
The Deep SeaScrolling descent into the ocean, with images of creatures found at those depths.